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SFNOMA | Oakland, CA

October 14-18

Over the past 20 years, the Bay Area has experienced a significant population shift driven primarily by economic, and cultural factors. Fostered by technological innovation and an increased willingness to cross cultural boundaries we have witnessed similar shifts globally. Whether in Dakar, or Detroit - Nairobi or New Orleans - Shanghai or Oakland cities are experiencing a renaissance - with technology, local economies, environmentally focused design and infrastructure development taking center stage. As architects, designers, community members, environmental stewards and leaders who are witnessing these shifts we are tasked with unifying design with development and ensuring that we do so with an eye toward providing access for ALL to quality public spaces. For these shifts to have their most meaningful impact, we must create opportunities for greater collaboration between segments of the populations affected to enter into the design process, architecture and associated professions. As we examine the spatial shifts taking place we will challenge participants to reckon with the Bay Area and Oakland’s activist legacy as we examine issues of space, place, justice and ownership and consider the cultural connections that legacy is built upon.


Deadline for registration: October 2




Register by Jan 31

The Black Cultural Zone (BCZ) Community Development Corporation, in collaboration with seven environmental and housing justice organizations, plans to create a net positive mixed-use community-owned development. The vision is to maintain in perpetuity Black space and culture while being stewards of ecological balance and renewal in Deep East Oakland. The site is rich in transit options, and the BCZ and its partners want to leverage and feature these connections as a way to reduce the overall carbon impact for the greater Bay Area.
Design Considerations
• Honor and support the current resident of the African Diaspora
• The building and site to adapt to perpetually climate change
• Dynamics of intergenerational cooperative housing
• Integration of cooperative solar energy
• Responding to keeping the local culture and aesthetic representative of East Oakland
• 100 % permanent affordable collective housing
• Connecting and restoring the Arroyo Viejo creek
• Research and develop an active and economic prosperous ground floor
• Provide community and non-profit co-working spaces
• Net Positive design implementation practices
• Clear and well connect pedestrian access to all four transit connections

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